President Buhari. Picture courtesy of Getty Images Picture courtesy of Google Nigeria is such a country of paradox, we are richly endowed yet nearly half of our population swim in paucity. Our case is such a collectives of distinctive miseries. An oceanic country of avoidable privation and at the same time a land full of great assets in both human capital and conservational supplies. Our case is like an overfloggged matter by clique of levelheaded solons but whose condition remains unyielding to tenacities. For a long period, I almost concluded that Nigeria’s many maladies have been overfloggged but recently, I had a paradigm shift from this over flog theorem and peep the country’s façade in another perspective and rescinded that there is no way we can over flog some of the strategic issues that have defied solution especially on some of the unfortunate indices that have plunged nearly half of Nigerians into the ocean of poverty. And I have ...