Mr. President Please Wake Up and Smell the coffee! Femi Ojo

Picture courtesy of “Femi you see what I have been saying about your blog, you have a message from DSA on your phone” that was Omotoyosi, my wife informing me early in the morning of last Sunday about Dapo Simon Ajeniya’s sms to me. Here is the message from Dapo Simon Ajeniya, a friend that I often call boss “Chief have you run out of articles or has PHCN and fuel finally taken hold on you?” Of course each time I get such sms, I feel inspired and it gives me more energy to do more. By the way, Dapo Simon Ajeniya is the CEO of Green36 Concerts and a young man with sophisticated opinions on many socio-economic issues. But what came to my mind immediately I read DSA’s sms was, can anyone actually run out of articles on this country where all manner of things happen each second? As a trained social scientist, socio-political happenings are the ingredients of our analysis and as such these daily events in our polity give us something to write about alw...