The current situation of our country is best described as a place with no sweetness. The politicians have made a mess of the polity, they have impoverished the masses of Nigerian people…the lives of the majority of our people have been dented by the abysmal governance of those who govern. Indeed, there is no sweetness here! Ours is a country of paradox, we are so blessed yet the majority of our people are in need. We are a special country among the committee of nations and things that make us special are plethora…we are a nation that is made of the good and the bad. This country is arguably characterized with plethora of incredulity. The first batch of 2015 elections have come and currently the results are coming out with expected results and some surprises, the bad politicians are losing, some bad politicians are winning and the near good ones are both winning and losing too…the political characters that will form the next administration are gradually being unveiled. T...